mining and geological service

ГК 'Прогноз'

Geological prospecting for ore and non-metallic raw materials, precious stones

The works are optimized, with the purpose of maximum reduction of time, using the technologies of automated forecasting and accelerated geochemical searches developed by the Group experts, express analytics, the newest software products for processing incoming information.
The method of complex prospecting works has been tested on deposits of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals, precious and ornamental stones, non-metallic raw materials.

The scope of works includes:

  • collection and analysis of available geological data for the territory
  • creation of an electronic database
  • automated procnostic analysis of the territory and identification of prospective areas for prospecting
  • prospecting based on GeoExpress technology
  • geophysical works from the surface and with UAV
  • mining and drilling operations
  • calculation of reserves, development of feasibility studies of the conditions
  • field development project

Do you already have a license for prospecting or exploration work?

We can take part to geological exploration at any stage.

Do you plan to invest in mining, but did not choice where and how?

The Group's specialists will conduct a primary selection of possible sites, give the forecast of prospects and offer the customer priority options for setting up prospecting.

Does your license agreement term ending, but the exploration is not carried out?

We will offer the most operational complex of works, allowing to fulfill the terms of the license agreement.

Does the prospective area is located in a remote place?

Prognoz Group has 20 years of experience in organizing field work in any climatic conditions, in areas with any level of accessibility.

For transportation, high-cross-country vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, snow aerial vehicles, and, if necessary, river, aviation, and sea transport are used.

The units are equipped with satellite communications, specialized field equipment and equipment.

Completed projects:

Отчет по результатам разведочных работ на месторождении Золотое и ТЭО постоянных разведочных кондиций на 01.01.2015 г. Защита в ГКЗ.

Красноярский край